Peer ResourcesPeer Resources

The best way to get advice is from your peers! We've come up with a few of our favorite nursing influencers who have blogs, vlogs, podcasts and YouTube channels to help you! Don't forget to comment or contact us to let us know your favorite student generated resources.

AJN Off the Charts

AJN Off the Charts

AJN Off the Charts is consistently included in lists of the best nursing blogs and has won numerous awards. The official blog of the American Journal of Nursing, AJN Off the Charts publishes two to three new posts each week. Posts draw attention to important research findings, policy controversies, clinical practices and challenges, public health news, nursing career issues, and moving personal stories told by both nurses and patients.

ANS: Advances in Nursing Science Blog

ANS: Advances in Nursing Science Blog

The ANS Blog provides a forum for discussion of issues raised in the articles published in ANS: Advances in Nursing Science.

Ashley Adkins

Ashley Adkins

Ashley’s blog and YouTube channel features motivational nursing videos with nursing advice, tips and stories to achieve their goals and believe in themselves.

Ask Nurse Alice

Ask Nurse Alice

Featuring categories like Work+Life Balance, Healthy Eats, Getting Fit, and Mind Medicine, Nurse Alice shares her tips and tools that you can incorporate into your own routine.

BMJ Evidence Based Learning Blog

BMJ Evidence Based Learning Blog

Analysis and discussion of developments in Evidence-Based Nursing Journal.

Briana Lynn

Briana Lynn

Nursing school journey vlogs of a current LPN studying to become an RN.

Brittney from The Nerdy Nurse

Brittney from The Nerdy Nurse

Brittney Wilson, also known as The Nerdy Nurse, is an author and expert on all things nursing, including nursing informatics and innovation in healthcare. The Nerdy Nurse blog is recognized as a one of the top nursing blogs on the web.



Delanie & Sydney: An instagram duo sharing their nursing school experiences.

Confident Voices in Healthcare

Confident Voices in Healthcare

A professional blog that focuses on making healthcare safer and more compassionate for everyone.

Dear Nurses

Dear Nurses

A blog that, in personal letter form, provides a helpful clinical resource for nurses.

Diversity Nursing

Diversity Nursing

Your Nursing Community for Jobs, Education, and Information.

Donna Cardillo: Nurse Power

Donna Cardillo: Nurse Power

By Keynote Speaker, Humorist, Master Motivator and Entertainer Donna Cardillo, the Inspiration Nurse, the Nurse Power blog focuses on harnessing the power, pride, and passion of nursing.

Emerging RN Leader

Emerging RN Leader

Dedicated to developing the leader in you, this blog serves up articles and advice on leading and managing situations like a true leader in nursing.



Caroline Porter Thomas, the founder of EmpowerRN, provides a Youtube channel and several other recourses on the approach to achieving success in nursing school and on the nursing jobs.

Fatima Francesa

Fatima Francesa

Lifestyle vlogger. Author. Speaker. Nurse practitioner.

Fresh RN Blog

Fresh RN Blog

From the same Fresh RN that brings you courses, books, and podcasts, this blog serves up helpful posts and articles for your nursing journey.

Jasmine Ghee

Jasmine Ghee

Nursing school lifestyle vlogs.

Lippincott NursingCenter Blog

Lippincott NursingCenter Blog

Created by nurses, for nurses, Lippincott is the premier online destination for peer-reviewed nursing journals and continuing education resources based on the best evidence available. The blog features helpful posts continuing education, diseases & conditions, leadership, and more. Blog Blog

A blog where nurses learn and grow together.

Impacts the lives of nurses and nursing students by publishing thought-provoking content and launching culture-changing initiatives.



A blog by Nurse Beth that focuses on helpful posts to show you that as a nurse, whatever you think and feel, you are not alone.

Nurse Gail, founded by Gail Ingram, a nurse practitioner, is the first health and wellness website authored solely by nurses. is a platform for nurses to reach a broad audience with evidence-based health information, providing the knowledge, experience, and education of individual nurses while giving the profession a voice.



Nurses from all over the world use NurseTogether to find reliable information on health care education.



A blog that is passionate about nurses, nursing, and the world we impact.

Nurse Buff

Nurse Buff

NurseBuff is a popular nursing humor and lifestyle blog.

Nursing from Within

Nursing from Within

Focusing on nursing and being healthy in mind, body, and spirit, Nurse Scala strives to help nurses everywhere find their balance.

Nurse Nacole

Nurse Nacole

Nacole Riccaboni’s blog includes tools for helping the nursing community, both emotionally and technically, offering advice and resources to help you on your nursing journey.

Nurse Keith's Digital Doorway

Nurse Keith's Digital Doorway

Career advice for savvy 21st-century nurses from holistic career coach Keith Carlson

Nurse Liz

Nurse Liz

Adventures of a Family Nurse Practitioner: With reference tools, blog posts, videos, and more.

Nursing Times

Nursing Times

Since its launch in 1905 the magazine has published articles to help nurses to improve their practice, kept them up to date with news on nursing and healthcare policy and practice, and supported them in their career development.

Nurse Turned Writer

Nurse Turned Writer

Health and medical news, sometimes serious and sometimes fun.

Registered Nurse RN

Registered Nurse RN provides FREE NCLEX® reviews, skills, school tips, & career help for students and nurses. Please SUBSCRIBE & share our videos with others!

Sarah, a nurse who hosts the youtube channel, has precepted many students on the job, and she has taught thousands of students and nurses through her website and channel.

Reality RN

Reality RN

New Nurses, Real Conversations. A community hub for articles and conversation.

Straight A Nursing

Straight A Nursing

Straight A Nursing Student is your online resource for all things nursing. Here you’ll find study aids, lecture notes and tons of great information you can use to succeed in nursing school, in your prerequisite courses, and on the job

The Balanced Nurse Blog

The Balanced Nurse Blog

A blog by nurse Eileen, she helps nurses live authentic lives and to meet their experiences with self-care and self-compassion.

The Bossy Nurse

The Bossy Nurse

A blog by nurse Marsha Battee, featuring helpful posts for the career-minded and ambitious nurse.

Unordinary Blogger

Unordinary Blogger

Mind, Body, Medical, Family, and Life. Vlogs and blogs.
